In our previous column, The Cinderella Story, we reported on Anna Zatonskih, 44, who late in life scored the biggest victory of her long career by dominating the Cairns Cup to attain her first GM norm. Now comes the opposite-end-of-the-generation-gap story of rising female star Alice Lee, 13, who enters the record books by becoming the youngest American-born female in history to earn the IM title.
Lee, from Minnesota, turned in a tour de force result recently at the 2023 Canadian Transnational Chess Classic in Montreal, as she placed highly in a tough field to gain her third and final IM norm. She faced eight grandmasters and one international master and achieved a performance rating of 2531.
Alice found herself in wonderland indeed, as she started with a comfortable draw (and with Black) against the highly-experienced and very strong GM Lazaro Bruzon Batista that proved to be a confidence-boosting launchpad for the teenager, who then went on to defeat GMs Arturs Neiksans and Bator Sambuev in rounds two and six; and then drawing with an additional four grandmasters.
Lee credits her recent success to the persistence and patients of her highly-respected longtime coach, GM Dmitry Gurevich, who has transformed her game - and how! The first major breakthrough came with a first IM norm at the 2022 Southwest Class Championships, and then she went on to gain her second norm by finishing a full point ahead of the field at the St. Louis IM Norm Tournament back in January.
Now, with a third and final norm, Lee joins a very select club by becoming one of only three female players to earn the full IM title at the age of 13, a feat only ever achieved previously by GMs Judit Polgar and Kateryna Lagno. She now also becomes the second-highest-rated woman in the U.S.― only behind eight-time U.S. Women’s Champion GM Irina Krush.
IM-elect Alice Lee is congratulated by the new World #2, Hikaru Nakamura, who made a surprise appearance at the Canadian Transnational Classic, en route to taking a well-deserved break after his sensational big victory recently at the Norway Chess Tournament.
Read about the rise of Alice Lee on Chess Life Online.
GM Lazaro Bruzon Batista - IM-elect Alice Lee
Canadian Transnational Classic, (1)
D10: QGD Slav Defence, Exchange variation
1.c4 c6 2.d4 d5 3.cxd5 cxd5
The Slav Defence is an easy-to-play system for players of all levels looking for a reliable Black defence to the Queen's Pawn opening. The problem for higher-rated players is that, with the Exchange variation, the symmetrical set-ups on both wings make it difficult to avoid a lot of draws - but being a seasoned GM with a hefty 250+ rating advantage, Bruzon hopes to grind his younger opponent down, but to her credit, Lee holds her nerve and the draw.
4.Bf4 Nf6 5.Nc3 Nc6 6.e3 a6 7.Bd3 Bg4 8.Nge2 e6 9.O-O Bd6 10.f3 Bh5 11.Na4 O-O 12.Nc5
The ideal square for the knight, as it can't be kicked with ...b6 due to Nxa6! This is a position though that has become a focus for attention, as we reach a crossroads of plans.
The current debate in this line is the move 12...Rb8!? championed by a young JK Duda in 2014 that worked well for the Pole in the stem game against Bruzon himself! That game continued 13.Rc1 Nb4 (Also, a further twist has seen 13...e5!? scoring some upset victories, but mainly in online blitz events) 14.Bb1 a5 15.a3 Na6 16.Bxd6 Qxd6 17.Qd2 Nxc5 18.Rxc5 b6 that soon ended in a draw (32) in Bruzon-Duda, Tromso 2014. Rather than playing into a well-analysed line that Bruzon would be familiar with, Lee rightly decides to "mix it up" with the GM.
13.Nxf4 Qe7 14.Rc1 Bg6 15.Nxg6
Both automatic moves from either side.
15...hxg6 16.f4
Putting the "Big Clamp" on Black playing the freeing ...e5.
There's not much in this position - it just takes the teen to hold her nerve against the GM by finding the correct way to rejig her knights, after which, Bruzon doesn't have much to play with to force a win.
17.a3 Rc7 18.Rf2 Rac8 19.Rfc2 Nb8
The knight has to retreat to directly contest the c-file, and perhaps slightly better was 19...Na7 20.b4 Ne8 21.a4 Nd6 with equality and both sides having their pieces on their most optimum squares.
20.h3 Ne8!?
As noted above, a more than useful manoeuvre as Lee's knight has more scope operating from the d6-square.
21.g3 Nd6 22.h4 Nd7 23.b4
It is indeed a fascinating tussle of experience vs youth - many teens would crumble under the extreme pressures, but Lee shows her mettle by not giving anything away to the GM.
The engine prefers instead 23...Nf6 - but Lee rightly spots that White has weak points on g3 and e3 and something for Bruzon to worry about.
Bruzon was probably trying to make 24.Nxb7 work in his favour - but Lee was ahead of the game with her previous move, as White has nothing after 24...Nxe3 25.Rxc7 Rxc7 26.Qe1 Rxb7 27.Qxe3 a5! 28.b5 Qxa3 29.Rc8+ Nf8 and the engine says White now has to take the tactical bail-out with 30.Qd2 Qa1+ 31.Kg2 Qxd4 32.Qxa5 Qxd3 33.Rxf8+ Kh7 34.Qa8 Qe2+ and a perpetual check.
24...Qxd7 25.Kf2 Rxc2+ 26.Rxc2 Nd6!
With the knight again controlling e4 and c4, and pieces being traded freely, Black has no problems as she achieves complete equality and a draw on the cards.
27.Qc1 Rxc2+
The more pieces that get exchanged, the easier the draw.
28.Qxc2 Qc8 29.Qc5
The only try left for Bruzon is to try and "boss the position" with a very actively-placed queen - it does look strong, but it is not enough on its own as Lee finds all the right moves to stay competitive.
29...Qd7 30.a4
(see diagram) Left to his own devices, Bruzon would like to tighten the squeeze with b5 - but Lee cunningly avoids this from happening. 30...Ne4+!
Freeing up the d5 square for Black's queen to take up a similar dominating post, and with it Bruzon by now had to realise this game was petering out to a draw.
31.Bxe4 dxe4 32.b5 axb5 33.axb5
No better was 33.Qxb5 as 33...Qxb5 34.axb5 f5! leads to a similar impasse as in the game, though with a little twist, as 35.Ke2 Kh7! 36.b6 Kh6 and White's king has to stay within the f2/g2 zip code otherwise the Black king marches in via g4 to f3 (or even h3, if White doesn't get his king to g2 in time) and xe3 to queen the e-pawn first.
Kudos to Lee, who has finely calculated that the K+P ending is just a draw due to a blockade.
34.Qxd5 exd5 35.g4 f6 36.f5 g5! 37.hxg5 fxg5 38.Ke2
White would like to play 38.b6, but can't, as his king is one square too far away, where now 38...Kf7 39.Ke2 Ke7 40.Kd2 Kd6 41.Kc3 Kc6 42.Kb3 Kxb6 43.Kb4 Kc6 44.Ka4 and he's on the worse end of a drawing K+P ending where, despite being sans a pawn, the White king saves the day by (just) holding the opposition. 38…b6 ½-½
The perfect blockade with no pawn breaks and neither king able to cross their own fourth rank. A well-played game from 13-year-old Alice Lee against a very experienced GM.
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