There’s an effective chess brain drain going on in Russia following the geopolitical fallout after the Ukraine invasion and the ongoing war in the country. Many top grandmasters have left Mother Russia by switching to new federations, the most high-profile being the former Women’s World Champion Alexandra Kosteniuk, who now officially represents Switzerland, having dual nationality from her first marriage.
And in a further embarrassing controversy that was instantly decried by the European Chess Union (ECU) to be a “shameful day” for the game, FIDE paved the way
with the announcement of a series of pre-approved measures to enable the Chess Federation of Russia (CFR) to quickly change continents, thus able to evade sanctions with a historic switch to Asia.
The move comes following a year-long spat between the ECU and the CFR, with strong pressure from the Ukraine Chess Federation and many other European federations to sanction and suspend the Russian federation and its Belarusian equivalent after the tanks rolled into Ukraine.
The decision comes with far-reaching consequences for Russian players who will no longer be eligible to play in ECU events from 1 March. Russians who wish to compete in Europe after then will have to follow the exodus by having to take the difficult step of abandoning their home country and changing federation.
Before the switch came into force at the start of the month, it was confirmed that all Russian players, playing under a neutral Fide flag, would still be eligible to take part in their last European event, the 23rd European Individual Chess Championship, which was held in the old Serbian spa town of Vrnjacka Banja, and ran from 23 February through to 3 March.
Ironically, the key deciding game for the destination of the title proved to be the Round 9 clash between the young Russian, Alexey Sarana, and Ukraine veteran Anton Korobov.
That win was crucial for Sarana, 23, to not only go on to take the title on tiebreak - after he finished on 8½/11, alongside co-leaders Kirill Shevchenko and Daniel Dardha - but also he now enters the annals as the last Russian winner of the European continental title.
GM Alexey Sarana - GM Anton Korobov
23rd European Indie. Championship, (9
Bogo-Indian Defence
1.d4 Nf6 2.c4 e6 3.Nf3 Bb4+The Bogo-Indian, was named after the Russian-born German master Efim Bogoljubow, who was an early 20th-century title challenger. This solid option to 3.Nf3 became popular in the 1980s as the venerable Queen's Indian suffered a double reputational setback, first with the dangerous Polugaevsky Gambit in the Fianchetto Variation, and then the Kasparov-Petrosian Variation. 4.Bd2 c5 5.Bxb4 cxb4 6.e3 b6 7.Bd3 Bb7 8.Nbd2 O-O 9.O-O a5 10.Re1 d6 11.e4 White has a big space advantage due to his central pawn mass.11...Nc6 12.Nf1 e5 13.Bc2 Rc8 14.Rc1 g6 15.Ba4 Qe7 16.Ne3 Nxd4 17.Nxd4 exd4 18.Qxd4 Nxe4 It was either this or seeing White consolidate with f3 and then relentlessly prey on the weak d6-pawn. 19.Ng4 Qg5 20.Bd7 Rc5 21.Rcd1 h5 22.Rxe4! hxg4 Losing quickly was 22...Bxe4?? 23.Nf6+ Kh8 24.Nxe4+ Qe5 25.Nxc5 and Black can resign being both a piece and the position down. 23.Rxg4 Qe5 24.Qxd6 Qxd6?The turning point in the game, and Korobov picks the wrong way to go about trying to save the ending, as all he achieves is to better activate Sarana's pieces - and it all goes quickly downhill from here for Korobov. His best try was to look to better activate his own pieces, and with that in mind, the engine soon finds 24...Bc8! that forces 25.Qxe5 Rxe5 26.Bxc8 Rxc8 27.Kf1 White has to stop ...Re2 at all costs. 27...b5! 28.Rd5 (Not 28.cxb5?! Rc2! 29.b6 Rb5 and Black's active rooks will save the game.)
28...Rxd5 29.cxd5 Kf8 30.Re4 Rc5 31.d6 Rd5 32.Ke2 Rxd6 33.Re5 Rc6 and a R+P ending that has excellent saving chances. 25.Rxd6 Rd8 26.Rgd4 Kf8 27.Bb5 Rxd6 28.Rxd6 Be4 29.Rxb6 Bd3 30.Rb8+ Ke7 31.b3 Bb1 32.Ba4 Re5
If only Black could capture on a2 he might have saving chances - but alas, the a2-pawn is strictly verboten. After 32...Bxa2? 33.Re8+ Kd6 34.Re1! Re5 35.Rd1+ Kc5 36.Kf1 and Black can't stop Rd1-a1 from picking up the trapped Black bishop. 33.f4 Re1+ 34.Kf2 Rc1 35.Re8+A nice piece of technique now carries Sarana to victory. 35...Kd6 36.Re1 Rc2+ 37.Re2 Rc3 38.Rd2+ Kc5 39.Be8! f6 40.Rd5+ Kb6 41.Rd6+ Kc5 42.Rd5+ Kb6 43.Rd2 Kc5? Sans a couple of pawns, and with bishops of the same colour on the board, Black faces eventual defeat - but as hopeless as the situation is, a better fist of trying to hang on was to be found with 43...g5 44.fxg5 fxg5 45.g3 where, although White creates the outside passed h-pawn, a working shift still needs to be put in to convert for the full point. As it is, Korobov's move just makes White winning task a less onerous one. 44.h4! Putting the big kibosh on ...g5 - and with it, now Sarana easily converts for a crucial win en route to victory.44...Be4 [see diagram] 45.f5! White was winning anyway, but this is a nice little endgame finesse. 45...gxf5 Worse was 45...Bxf5 46.h5! gxh5 47.Rd5+ winning the bishop and will pick off all of Black's kingside pawns for an easy win. 46.h5 The running h-pawn now wins the day. 46...a4 47.Bxa4 f4 48.Re2 Bxg2 A nice tactical try to save the game, but alas...49.Bd7! Covering the crucial h3 square, preventing the Black rook from getting behind the dangerous h-pawn as it storms unhindered up the board.
49...Bf3 50.h6! "Finis", as they would say at the end of those sub-titled European movies! 50...Bxe2 51.h7 Rc2 52.h8=Q Bg4+ 53.Ke1 Rc1+ 54.Kd2 Rd1+ 55.Kc2 Rxd7 56.Qxf6 Material-wise, it might well look roughly equal - but Sarana's dominatrix queen will soon mop up more material. 56...Bd1+ 57.Kc11-0 Korobov resigns, facing the hopeless future of 57...f3 58.Qf8+ Kc6 59.Qc8+ Kd6 (or worse, 59...Rc7 60.Qe6+ Kb7 61.Kxd1 with a trivial win.)
60.Kxd1 etc.
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