King Ding!

John B. Henderson • May 1, 2023

Congratulations to China’s Ding Liren, who defied the overwhelming odds and his early self-proclaimed psychological meltdown in the €2m FIDE World Championship, as he staged a remarkable comeback for the ages in Astana, Kazakhstan, by going on to beat Ian Nepomniachtchi in a dramatic playoff to be crowned the 17th World Champion in a heritage line that dates back to Wilhelm Steinitz in 1886!

Nearly written off following his nervous start, Ding incredibly never once had the lead in the match until he won the only game that mattered the most of all in the match: Game 4 of the rapid playoff after three draws - and even then, he did so from what was generally perceived by everyone to be a game that was heading for a fourth straight draw!

And with Ding’s triumph, he now finally fulfils Malaysian business magnate Dato Tan Chin Nam’s “Big Dragon” project from the mid-70s, in partnership with Chinese officials, which brought China in from behind the Bamboo Curtin to become a global chess power, after Beijing banned international chess during the first eight years of the Cultural Revolution.

First China captured the women’s world title from the previously dominant Georgians; then they advanced in the biennial team Olympiad until winning gold in 2014; and finally, after many years, Ding now becomes the first player from China to capture the open/men’s world crown. 

“I’m quite relieved,” said an exasperated King Ding moment after being proclaimed the 17th World Champion. “The moment Ian resigned the game it was a very emotional moment. I cannot control my moods, my feelings, and I know myself, I will cry, I will burst into tears, and it’s quite a tough tournament for me. I would like to thank my friends.”

“I guess I had every chance,” said a visibly gutted Nepo, who played under a neutral Fide flag throughout the contest due to the Russian invasion of Ukraine. “I had so many promising positions and probably should have tried to finish everything in the classical portion. (...) Once it went to a tiebreak, of course it’s always some sort of lottery, especially after 14 games [of classical chess]. Probably my opponent made less mistakes, so that’s it.”

And in winning the world crown, given the strange circumstances of how he got there, Ding truly has to be the chosen one. Covid restrictions left him facing an epic mad-dash to play the requisite number of games to gain a rating spot in the Candidates, as Sergey Karjakin “couldn’t” play. And as runner-up behind Nepo in the Candidates, he only got to play in the World Championship Match because Magnus Carlsen “wouldn’t” by abdicating his crown! 

It's also instant karma for Russia, with Nepo’s remarkable defeat from virtually being on the cusp of victory, as once again they do not have the world crown to crow about. The only reason Karjakin couldn’t play in the Candidates was down to his FIDE six-month playing ban following his insensitive and incendiary pro-war tweets. So let me take this moment on behalf of Ukraine to thank Sergey Karjakin for doing his own little bit to deny Russia the world crown!

Ian Nepomniachtchi     7            1½

½ 1 ½ 0 1 0 1 ½ ½ ½ ½ 0 ½ ½     ½ ½ ½ 0

½ 0 ½ 1 0 1 0 ½ ½ ½ ½ 1 ½ ½     ½ ½ ½ 1

Ding Liren                      7             2½

GM Ian Nepomniachtchi - GM Ding Liren

Fide World Chess Championship playoff, (4)
C84: Ruy Lopez, Closed, Martinez variation

1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bb5 a6 4.Ba4 Nf6 5.O-O Be7 After a jittery start to Game 1, where he was a little flummoxed to face Nepo's surprise weapon of the DERLD (Delayed Exchange Ruy Lopez Deferred), a more confident Ding has faith once again in defending the Lopez. 6.d3 And once again the Martinez variation from Nepo to avoid Ding's favourite Marshall Attack. But this time it was nerves that seemed to hit Nepo, with some very strange opening choices that locked in his Lopez bishop on b1. 6...b5 7.Bb3 d6 8.a4 Bd7 9.h3 O-O 10.Be3 Na5 11.Ba2 bxa4 12.Nc3 Rb8 13.Bb1!? Qe8 Nepo's strategy is only good in the context that 13...Rxb2?! 14.Nxa4 Rb8 15.Nc5 Nc6 16.Nxd7 Qxd7 17.Rxa6 and White has the bishop-pair (and now a2 to bring it to life down the long a2-g8 diagonal) and better long-term prospects. 14.b3 c5 15.Nxa4 Nc6 16.Nc3?! The consensus among the talking heads was that 16.c3 was needed to allow the Lopez bishop to 'breathe', first with Bc2 to defend against ...Be6, and later, d4 as the game opens up. 16...a5 17.Nd2 Be6 18.Nc4 d5 Ding cuts straight to the chase by busting the game open early doors - but also a good and solid option was 18...Qd7 first and later aiming for the ...d5 break.19.exd5 Nxd5 20.Bd2

Nepo obviously has designs on that loose a5-pawn - but I think slightly better was 20.Nxd5 Bxd5 21.c3 to get his 'ugly' Lopez bishop into the game - but for some unknown reason, Nepo neglects to do this and lives to regret it. 20...Nxc3

A good option was also 20...Nf4, but Ding clearly plays on Nepo's self-entombment of his Lopez bishop. 21.Bxc3 Bxc4 22.bxc4 Bd8 23.Bd2 There was a lot of online chatter from the fans - obviously flying without an 'engine' - doubting the rationale of this move from Nepo, as surely he had the "easy plan' of Bb1-b3-a4? Fantastic plan if only White is allowed three moves without a reply, but the little snafu is that 23.Ba2 a4! that not only denies the b3 square from the bishop but also gives Black a big advantage. 23...Bc7 24.c3 This time there's a solid plan of Bc2-a4. But as we reach a critical stage of the game, the frayed nerves from the players begin to show with some mutually jittery moves. 24...f5 Safer looked 24...Qe7 with the plan of ...Nd8-e6 stopping the d4-break. 25.Re1Missing the better plan of 25.Qf3! and follow-up with Bb1-c2-a4. 25...Rd8 26.Ra2 Qg6 27.Qe2 Qd6 Ding's pawns look vulnerable, but conversely, Nepo's bishop-pair needs to find a way into the game. 28.g3 Rde8 29.Qf3 e4 A risky strategy from Ding, but he's clearly not hanging around to see Nepo bring his bishop-pair into the game. 30.dxe4 Ne5 The only move - and now Nepo needs to find the correct sequence of moves to take a grip of the game. 31.Qg2 The move to ask questions of Ding's position was 31.Qd1! Nd3 32.Re3! fxe4 33.Bxd3 exd3 34.Rxe8 Rxe8 35.Bf4 Qc6 36.Bxc7 Qxc7 37.Qxd3 with an extra pawn (albeit doubled c-pawns) and better long-term prospects of pressing for a win. 31...Nd3 32.Bxd3 Qxd3 Here the queen on g2 rather than d1 makes all the difference for Ding, as he manages to defend a difficult position. 33.exf5 Rxe1+ 34.Bxe1 Qxc4 35.Ra1 It is hard to be critical when the players are in the heat of battle with not much time left on the clocks, but better was 35.Rd2! - but it is not so easy to see as you need to find a series of engine-only moves after 35...Rxf5 36.Qc6! forcing Black into 36...Bxg3!? 37.Rd8+ Kf7 where the cold, unbeating heart of the engine just nonchalantly flicks in 38.f4! Bxf4 (Of course, the bishop is taboo due to the mating net created and 38...Bxe1 39.Qe8+ Kf6 40.Rd6+ Qe6 41.Qxe6#) 39.Qe8+ Kf6 40.Bh4+ Rg5+! The only move now. 41.Bxg5+ Bxg5 42.Rc8 h6 43.Qc6+ Kf5 44.Qxc5+ Qxc5+ 45.Rxc5+ Ke4 46.Rxa5 Kd3 47.Ra4! Kxc3 48.Kf2 with winning chances with the Black king cut-off - but even this isn't easy to win. And as I often say, all easy to see when you have the engine chugging away in the background; but not so easy when you are one of the players and have little or no time left on the clock! 35...Rxf5 36.Bd2 h6 37.Qc6 Rf7Just when all the talking heads thought we were heading for a draw - and more playoff games - Ding, despite being behind on the clock, makes the very brave decision in this equal position to press Nepo...and his gamble pays off big-time. 38.Re1 Kh7 39.Be3 Be5 40.Qe8 Bxc3 41.Rc1 Rf6 42.Qd7 If Nepo wanted a safe bailout, then he had it here with 42.Bd2!? Qd4! 43.Bxc3 Qxf2+ 44.Kh1 Qf3+ 45.Kh2 Qf2+ 46.Kh1 Qf3+ 47.Kh2 and a threefold-repetition. 42...Qe2 43.Qd5 Bb4 This was the real turning point in the game, according to Ding in his post-game victory presser, as he suddenly realised he could play for a win, “because if you take on c5 (44.Bxc5) I can play 44…Be1! and not exchange the bishop.” 44.Qe4+ Kg8 45.Qd5+ Kh7 46.Qe4+ Rg6! (see diagram) A very ballsy call from Ding at a critical juncture in an increasingly tense game, and with just a minute left on his clock, he turns down the repetition with the self-pin just to create the possibility of winning chances - and this is what probably flummoxed Nepo. The talking heads weren't so sure about the risk  - but Magnus Carlsen was, as he magnanimously tweeted "Self-pinning for immortality. Congrats Ding!!” as he took over the laurels of his World Championship title. 47.Qf5?? Not only flummoxed but also bamboozled, Nepo blunders big-time. He had to find 47.Rc2! Qa6 48.Bxc5 Qe6 49.Qd3 Qa6 50.Qf5 Qf6 and the game does now fizzle out to a draw. 47...c4!

Now 48.Rc2 is going to be strongly met by 42...Qd3! forcing the queens off and a winning endgame for Black with two advanced passed pawns. 48.h4 Qd3 49.Qf3 Rf6 Hard to see with the flag on your digital clock metaphorically rising rapidly, but the engine clean kill was 49...Bd2! 50.Rd1 c3 51.Kg2 Rf6 52.Qg4 Qd5+ 53.Kg1 c2 54.Bxd2 cxd1=Q+ 55.Qxd1 a4 and White can resign with the a-pawn now running wildly up the board. 50.Qg4 c3 Passed pawns must be pushed! 51.Rd1 Qg6 52.Qc8 Rc6! 53.Qa8 Rd6 Killing was 53...c2! but the text just takes a little longer - and added drama for everyone with Ding's flag now hanging! 54.Rxd6 Qxd6 55.Qe4+ Qg6 56.Qc4 Despite a time advantage, Nepo can't trade queens as Ding will simply push the a-pawn up the board winning the bishop. 56...Qb1+ 57.Kh2 a4 58.Bd4 a3? This time-induced minor error could have proved fatal for Ding, as it allows Nepo some saving chances - the move to find and play was 58...Qb3! 59.Qc7?? It has to be remembered that Nepo was also under the cosh of the clock - and he blows it in this intense struggle by not finding the resourceful move 59.h5! boxing the Black king in, and forcing the finish 59...Bf8 60.Qf7 Qd3 61.Bxc3! Qxc3 62.Qxf8 a2 63.Qf5+ Kh8

(Definitely not 63...Kg8? 64.Qd5+ Kh7 65.Qxa2 Qf3 66.Qc2+ Kg8 67.Qc5 and the pendulum moves to White.) 64.Qf8+ Kh7 65.Qf5+ and a repetition. 59...Qg6 60.Qc4 c2 61.Be3 Bd6 62.Kg2 h5! This time not so much stopping the king from being boxed in with g4 and h5, but to defend the c2-pawn. 63.Kf1 Be5 Well, of course, the engine shows no nerves and easily finds the -46.83 or something winning moves of 63...a2! 64.Qxa2 Qe4! 65.Kg1 Bc5 66.Bd2 Qf5 67.Bf4 Bxf2+!! where I am sure, like the players living on the fumes of seconds by now on their clocks, you spotted all those tactics! 64.g4 Pure desperation now - but there's method to the madness as Nepo wants to play Ke2 to race his king over to d2 without allowing ...Qg4+ trading queens and the a-pawn to run home. 64...hxg4 65.h5 Qf5 66.Qd5 g3!

Amazingly, with his flag metaphorically hanging, Ding finds all the good moves for a remarkable victory. 67.f4 a2! 68.Qxa2 Bxf4 0-1

By John B. Henderson October 2, 2023
Well, well, well. After rampaging his way through many of the finals and opponents throughout the 2023 Champions Chess Tour, Magnus Carlsen’s “final boss” reign came to a screeching halt in what proved to be an enthralling AI Cup Grand Final on Friday, as the favourite was beaten not once but in three games, and over two matches, by Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, who sensationally grabbed the last remaining spot in the Champions Tour Final in December. Earlier, Carlsen had defeated MVL in the final of the winners’ bracket, before the Frenchman gained the right to a rematch in the double-elimination contest by beating Ian Nepomniachtchi in the final of the losers’ bracket. In the Grand Final, buoyed up and firing on all cylinders, MVL beat Carlsen by a 2½-1½ score.
By John B. Henderson September 29, 2023
The self-proclaimed “final boss of chess” does what the final boss of chess does best of all: Magnus Carlsen beat Maxime Vachier-Lagrave in the final of the AI Cup winners’ bracket, the sixth and final leg of the 2023 Champions Chess Tour regular season, to reach yet another Grand Final in the novel double-elimination contest. But it wasn’t without an epic bare-knuckle street fight from both players, as MVL proved to be a worthy opponent for what looked to be an unstoppable Carlsen, who narrowly prevailed in the Armageddon to take the match 3-2. "This is the sort of thing that happens when you play Sicilians in every game," said a magnanimous Carlsen in victory after four fighting Sicilians left the match tied at 2-2.
By John B. Henderson September 27, 2023
Fans were treated to arguably the greatest online rivalry in chess history recently, with the Speed Chess Championship Grand Final showdown between Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura seeing the Norwegian narrowly snatch victory by a solitary win to end the American speed maven’s hopes of a sixth successive victory. But Carlsen’s narrow win left the salivating fans feeling they’d been denied seeing this epic gladiatorial speed contest going into overtime - but they didn’t have to wait long for the rivalry redux, as a couple of days later, both Carlsen and Nakamura went head-to-head yet again in the opening day of the AI Cup, the sixth and final leg of the 2023 Champions Chess Tour regular season.
By John B. Henderson September 25, 2023
Magnus Carlsen more than lived up to his self-proclamation of being “The Final Boss of Chess” with a revenge-is-sweet narrow victory over fellow chess influencer Hikaru Nakamura, as he denied his long-time arch-rival a sixth successive Speed Chess Championship title last Friday. Last year, it was Nakamura who narrowly squeaked home by one point - this time, in yet another thrilling match consisting of three different speed limits - 5+1, 3+1 and 1+1 (more commonly known as ‘bullet’) - between the two speed titans, it again ended with the same scoreline, though this time seeing Carlsen triumph by a solitary win after two pulsating hours of thrilling play, as he took the $150,000 2023 Speed Chess Championship presented by Coinbase, 13.5-12.5.
By John B. Henderson September 22, 2023
With a smorgasbord of online chess events out there now, the granddaddy of them all is surely the Speed Chess Championship , with a $150,000 prize fund that determines just who is the best blitz and bullet players. It has become the perennial fan-favourite with arguably the best viewing experience - and the fans are set for yet another spectacular finale later today, as the two rivals who dominate the roll of honour, Magnus Carlsen and Hikaru Nakamura, get set for another explosive showdown in the 2023 final. Friday’s final and commentary, free to view, starts at 14:00 ET (11:00 PT; 20:00 CEST; 23:30 IST) on Carlsen and Nakamura have won each edition since the inaugural Speed Chess Championship event in 2016 - Carlsen won the first two speed titles before taking a hiatus, only for Nakamura to rule the roost, winning four more times.
By John B. Henderson September 19, 2023
India today is a land of amazing young talents and prospects in chess, with the country seemingly having a never-ending production line of prodigies rolling off the factory conveyor belt. But for some countries, such as Argentina, prodigies only seem to come around with all the regularity of Halley’s Comet . One of the first notable post-war chess prodigies was Oscar Panno from Buenos Aires, who became the first world-class player born in South America. In 1953, at the age of 17, he became only the second World Junior Champion , having won the coveted youth title ahead of a strong cadre of future elite-level Grandmasters such as Boris Ivkov (who in 1951 was crowned the first World Junior Ch), Bent Larsen, and Fredrik Olafsson.
By John B. Henderson September 14, 2023
“Chess is a cruel game. We all know that feeling when your position has gone awry and everything seems hopeless. You feel like resigning. But don’t give up! This is precisely the moment to switch to swindle mode. Master the art of provoking errors and you will be able to turn the tables and escape with a draw or sometimes even steal the full point!” So wrote David Smerdon, an Australian chess grandmaster and one of his country’s leading behavioural economists, on the back cover of his witty and wickedly entertaining, not to mention the much-lauded and deserving 2020 ECF Book of the Year winner, The Complete Chess Swindler (New in Chess).
By John B. Henderson September 11, 2023
With the top teenage talents being overshadowed in the Tata Steel Chess India Rapid in Kolkata by a dominant performance from seasoned veteran Maxime Vachier-Lagrave, there were hopes of a homeland comeback in the follow-on Blitz tournament - and one looked to be on the cards, only for another “old guy”, this time Alexander Grischuk, crashing the teenage party by capturing the second, even faster speed title. Early doors, all eyes were firmly on Rameshbabu “Pragg” Praggnanandhaa, with his flying start of a perfect 5/5 on the opening day of the two-day double-round contest. But that was as good as it got for the 18-year-old Candidate-qualifier, who could only finish the day on 6.5/9, and despite being the sole leader, he held what looked a very slender half-point lead over nearest rivals Santosh Vidit and Grischuk, ominously the only unbeaten player.
By John B. Henderson September 8, 2023
The past couple of years have proved to be a major one for India - not only a global player with world leaders descending this week in New Delhi for the G20 Summit and recently successfully landing a spacecraft on the moon but now also a fully-fledged chess superpower, with many exciting young talents set to make the country a dominant force for the foreseeable future. Many would even speculate that Indian Chess could well turn into a hegemony, in much the same way as the Soviets dominated the chess scene in the 1945 post-war period until its collapse and ultimate dissolution in 1991. The latest big chess tournament to be held in India coincides with the G20, with the fifth Tata Steel Chess India Rapid & Blitz - a spinoff from the larger Dutch super-tournament, the Tata Steel Chess Masters in Wijk aan Zee - taking place 5-9 September in Kolkata.
By John B. Henderson September 4, 2023
The fifth and latest leg of the Champions Chess Tour , the Julius Baer Generations Cup more than lived up to its name with the world No.1, Magnus Carlsen, after overpowering Alireza Firouzja in the winners’ final, to effortlessly cruise his way into the Grand Final, declaring: “It’s just me against the kids now!” After three clean kills that included a brace of back-to-back 2½-½ victories over Iranian Amin Tabatabaei and his old title foe Caruana, Carlsen proceeded to sweep Firouzja 3-0 to reach the Grand Final of the contest - but it wasn’t lost on the “old man” that non of his old rivals were left in the competition, and that meant that Denis Lazavik (16), Nodirbek Abdusattorov (18), and Firouzja (20) were the only three left standing to see who would go forward to meet him in the Grand Final.
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