The chess world is almost resembling a travelling circus these days. There are rivalling big-money tours, online tours, team-franchise events and an ongoing Armageddon Series, to name but a few. And with little or no rest to breathe between them, “one town’s very like the other,” as the lyrics to Chess the Musical's hit One Night in Bangkok would have it.
And following hard on the heels of the inaugural Tech Mahindra Global Chess League in Dubai, a number of the big names packed their bags and headed straight over to Croatia for the
Superunited Rapid & Blitz in Zagreb, the third leg and midway point of the $1.4m
Grand Chess Tour; a series of five classical and speed tournaments held in Europe and the USA that will conclude in Saint Louis through November and early December with the season-ending Sinquefield Cup.
The GCL in Dubai might not have ended in success for Indian legend Vishy Anand, but it definitely blew away all the rust from lack of tournament praxis for the five-time ex-World Champion, with the wild card hitting the ground running in Zagreb with two wins and a draw (with the rapid scoring 2 points for a win and 1 point for a draw) to take the opening-day honours, as he leads the 10-player field by a point.
Tied for second place are World No.1 Magnus Carlsen, Jan-Krzystof Duda, and Richard Rapport, each just a point behind Anand. And while a rejuvenated Anand impressed, another opening-day standout performer proved to be the always-entertaining and enlightening Rapport, with his brace of impressive wins over Fabiano Caruana and Duda.
The 2023 SuperUnited Rapid & Blitz can be followed live each day starting at 7:05 AM CT with Grandmaster commentators Yasser Seirawan, Evgenij Miroshnichenko, Cristian Chirila and International Master Nazi Paikidze on the official Grand Chess Tour site and on the Saint Louis Chess Club’s YouTube and channels.
Rapid Day 1
1. V. Anand (India) 5/6;
M. Carlsen (Norway), JK Duda (Poland, R. Rapport (Romania) 4;
5-6. F. Caruana (USA), I. Saric (Croatia) 3;
7-9. A. Firouzja (France), I. Nepomniachtchi (FIDE), Gukesh D. (India) 2;
10. C. Lupulescu (Romania) 1.
GM Richard Rapport - GM Fabiano Caruana
SuperUnited Rapid 2023, (1)
C00: French, King's Indian Attack
1.e4 e6 2.d3 The King's Indian Attack against the French Defence is very rarely - if ever - seen at the top-level anymore these days; but this was a big favourite of the young Bobby Fischer, who saw no wrong in it, as he would get a King's Indian Defence with an extra tempo. 2...d5 3.Nd2 Nf6 4.e5 The KIA of 4.Ngf3 c5 5.g3 Nc6 6.Bg2 has all been well-worked out with the correct Black set-up to stop the vicious kingside assault that a young Fischer used to revel in. 4...Nfd7 5.f4 c5 6.g3 Nc6 7.Bg2 f6 8.exf6 Nxf6 9.Ngf3 Bd6 10.O-O O-O 11.Re1 Qc7 12.Qe2
The early battle is over control of the vital e5-square - White cannot afford to let Black play ...e5 to burst the game open. 12...Bd7 13.c3 Kh8 14.Nb3 b6 If 14...Rae8 15.Ne5! with d4 coming next. 15.d4 Ne7 16.Be3 Nf5 17.Bf2 Ne4 18.Nbd2 Nxf2 19.Qxf2 Rac8 20.Kh1 cxd4 21.Nxd4 There's really nothing in the game with Rapport happy to see pawns and pieces being exchanged off. 21...e5 22.fxe5 Bxe5 23.Nxf5 Rxf5 24.Qe3 Bd6 25.Nb3 Now the focus moves to control of the d4-square and the battle over Black's isolated d-pawn - but as usual in these IQP scenarios, Black has the bishop-pair and active play for compensation. 25...Rcf8 26.Nd4 Rf2 27.Re2 R2f6 28.Rae1 b5 Two better alternatives looked like 28...Qc4!? 29.a3 Bg4 30.Rd2 or just cut to the chase with 28...Bg4!? 29.a3 a5
Caruana is looking to break-up the queenside with ...b4 and open the game more for his active pieces - but he is handicapped somewhat by the awkward IQP.
30.Qg5 b4 31.axb4 axb4 32.Re3?!
Simpler and better was 32.Qxd5 bxc3 33.bxc3 Qxc3 34.Ne6 Rxe6 35.Rxe6 Bxe6 36.Qxe6 and next stop is Drawsville.
32...bxc3 33.bxc3 Bc5
Also good was the alternative of 33...Qc4!? with the looming threat of a "happening" on f1 indirectly protecting the IQP.
34.Qe5 Qb6 35.Qxd5 Bc6 36.Nxc6!
Rapport gets to "mix it up" a little with a queen sacrifice, but not one that should be winning - though enough to make Caruana eat well into his clock time that ultimately proves fatal for the American. 36...Bxe3 37.Ne5 Bf2 38.Rd1 Qc7 39.Nd7 Rd8 40.Nxf6 Rxd5 41.Nxd5 Qe5 42.Ne3 h5 43.Nf1 g5 44.Rd5 Qe7 45.h4!
The reason for Rapport's last move, as now both of Black's remaining pawns fall.
45...gxh4 46.Rxh5+ Kg7 47.Rxh4 Qe2 48.Re4 Qc2 49.Kh2
Retaining the second passed c-pawn can't be wrong, so better was 49.c4 and 49...Qd1 50.Kh2 Qh5+ 51.Rh4 but after 51...Qg5 I can't see how White makes any meaningful progress that would lead to a win.
Taking the c3-pawn looks right, but I can imagine in the time-scramble that Caruana might fear that his king was going to be cut off on the h-file after 49...Qxc3 50.Rg4+ Kh8 - but I don't sense any mating dangers and, indeed, the engine just throws up total digital equality with "0.00". But the fear would have been there in the back of anyone's head, let alone Caruana's, that cutting the king off on the h-file potentially could be dangerous.
50.c4 Qf2 51.Rg4+ Kh6 52.Rf4 Qc2 53.Kh3 Kg7 54.Bd5 Bd6?
This is where it all starts to go Pete Tong for Fabi - the draw was to be had with 54...Qh7+ 55.Kg2 (There's no escaping the draw. If 55.Rh4 Qf5+ 56.Rg4+ Kf6! and the king is out of the corner, leading to 57.Nh2 Ke7 58.Nf3 Kd6 59.Be4 Qd7 60.Kh4 Be3! and no progress that can lead to White winning) 55...Qc2+ 56.Kh3 Qh7+ etc.
55.Rf7+ Kh8 56.Ne3
Now the White pieces are mobilising with menacing intent - but it takes Caruana's time-trouble to help Rapport win this.
56...Qg6 57.Rf3 Qh7+ 58.Kg2 Qd3 59.Nf5 Qe2+ 60.Rf2 Qe5 61.Kh3 Be7??
(see diagram) Black holds the draw with 61...Qf6 62.Kg2 Qe5! - but easy for me to say aided by an engine and not having to worry about my flag metaphorically hanging on my digital clock!
62.Kg4! 1-0
And Caruana resigns, only now realising the sting in the tail being that Rapport's king coming forward opens up an unexpected and unstoppable mate with Rh2!
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